Thursday, January 7, 2010


So, since 2010 is this "big revolution" or something, I have a few things I want it to bring me. Ciao 2009! Hola, 2010.
  • An ATAR mark of 90+ Please? I'll be SO ECSTATIC!
  • Motivation to complete assessment tasks and homework way before it's "On time"..
  • Meet Taylor Lautner / Josh Hartnett and fall in love with him, and that he falls in love with me, and we live happily ever after.
  • A great, epic, FAN-FREAKIN-TASTIC Eclipse - Yes the movie! I've been waiting.. since the 19th of November for the release of this movie, maybe longer.
  • Love. Can you help me fall in love? I know it sounds stupid, and it probably is. But hey, a girl can dream, right?
  • Be discovered as a great actress so I can be famous, make great movies, and not have to complete my HSC.
  • Time. I just want this year to go slow, because I feel like the past few years have sped past me and I'm feeling a little old. Even though I'm only seventeen.
  • My P's. Oh please oh please oh please let me pass my driving test!
  • Something new.. something beautiful.. Surprise me.

2010 Pictures, Images and Photos


Miss Shivi said...

I think this whole 2010/beginning-of-the-decade thing is a great motivator for everyone to achieve their dreams, maybe because it's the start of the new decade so people want it to be the start of a great new life.

It's the first year I've actually made good progress on the my resolutions, I think I really will achieve them this year.

Anyway, hope 2010 brings you lots of happiness!

Lovely blog by the way :)

Thursday, January 7, 2010


So, since 2010 is this "big revolution" or something, I have a few things I want it to bring me. Ciao 2009! Hola, 2010.
  • An ATAR mark of 90+ Please? I'll be SO ECSTATIC!
  • Motivation to complete assessment tasks and homework way before it's "On time"..
  • Meet Taylor Lautner / Josh Hartnett and fall in love with him, and that he falls in love with me, and we live happily ever after.
  • A great, epic, FAN-FREAKIN-TASTIC Eclipse - Yes the movie! I've been waiting.. since the 19th of November for the release of this movie, maybe longer.
  • Love. Can you help me fall in love? I know it sounds stupid, and it probably is. But hey, a girl can dream, right?
  • Be discovered as a great actress so I can be famous, make great movies, and not have to complete my HSC.
  • Time. I just want this year to go slow, because I feel like the past few years have sped past me and I'm feeling a little old. Even though I'm only seventeen.
  • My P's. Oh please oh please oh please let me pass my driving test!
  • Something new.. something beautiful.. Surprise me.

2010 Pictures, Images and Photos

1 comment:

Miss Shivi said...

I think this whole 2010/beginning-of-the-decade thing is a great motivator for everyone to achieve their dreams, maybe because it's the start of the new decade so people want it to be the start of a great new life.

It's the first year I've actually made good progress on the my resolutions, I think I really will achieve them this year.

Anyway, hope 2010 brings you lots of happiness!

Lovely blog by the way :)