Saturday, January 2, 2010

This is me, Hello 2010.

I'm the one on the left. Then it's Shelly (@Asianated). Meredith took this photo!

Okay, here's the deal. I'm Tiana, I'm seventeen, and my middle name is 'Crazy'. No actually, it's just Jessica.. plain, plain Jessica. But though I have a plain middle name, and sort of a plain life.. I try to be as crazy and whack as possible, hopefully lighting it all up.

So while everybody was, like, making resolutions and crap, and being excited cos "2010 is a fresh start! It's your big year, Tiana!" I was like, totally bored out of my brains. Seriously. I was talking, rambling, about something when it shifted from 2009 tp 2010, a few moments into the New Year I was like ... "Oh, New year already?" So it didn't start off with a bang. I mean, while everybody else was out having fun, partying, I stayed home like some hermit, and spent it with my parents, and their friends. SO MUCH FUN!

But, I had fun, sort of. I just chatted to my bro and his girlfriend all night, it was fun. Then I smack bang fell dead on the bed. I was so tired.. from just sitting around, more like lazing around, and eating a hell of a lot of junk food...

So my sister had her second child on Wednesday! It's my second niece people! Gabriella. Boy, is she gorgeous. Can't wait to upload pictures of her!

And, here I am. Looking at the rest of my holidays as doing about 500 assignments, loads of school work in other words, and preparing for my final year of highschool. This is fuh-reaky.I just want to spend this summer beaching it, and having fun! But nooo, I gotta adult up and study hard.

Okay, 2010. This is what you have in store for me.

- My HSC.. Oh let me die now.
- Turning 18
- Finishing school FOREVER..
-Hopefully getting my P's (The second level of getting a license to drive) And not still be stuck on my L's..
- What else you got, Huh?

Lets see, the above are expected. Right? So, 2010, give me some unexpected stuff. Some good stuff. Please?
K, thanks.


Saturday, January 2, 2010

This is me, Hello 2010.

I'm the one on the left. Then it's Shelly (@Asianated). Meredith took this photo!

Okay, here's the deal. I'm Tiana, I'm seventeen, and my middle name is 'Crazy'. No actually, it's just Jessica.. plain, plain Jessica. But though I have a plain middle name, and sort of a plain life.. I try to be as crazy and whack as possible, hopefully lighting it all up.

So while everybody was, like, making resolutions and crap, and being excited cos "2010 is a fresh start! It's your big year, Tiana!" I was like, totally bored out of my brains. Seriously. I was talking, rambling, about something when it shifted from 2009 tp 2010, a few moments into the New Year I was like ... "Oh, New year already?" So it didn't start off with a bang. I mean, while everybody else was out having fun, partying, I stayed home like some hermit, and spent it with my parents, and their friends. SO MUCH FUN!

But, I had fun, sort of. I just chatted to my bro and his girlfriend all night, it was fun. Then I smack bang fell dead on the bed. I was so tired.. from just sitting around, more like lazing around, and eating a hell of a lot of junk food...

So my sister had her second child on Wednesday! It's my second niece people! Gabriella. Boy, is she gorgeous. Can't wait to upload pictures of her!

And, here I am. Looking at the rest of my holidays as doing about 500 assignments, loads of school work in other words, and preparing for my final year of highschool. This is fuh-reaky.I just want to spend this summer beaching it, and having fun! But nooo, I gotta adult up and study hard.

Okay, 2010. This is what you have in store for me.

- My HSC.. Oh let me die now.
- Turning 18
- Finishing school FOREVER..
-Hopefully getting my P's (The second level of getting a license to drive) And not still be stuck on my L's..
- What else you got, Huh?

Lets see, the above are expected. Right? So, 2010, give me some unexpected stuff. Some good stuff. Please?
K, thanks.

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