Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Once upon a time...

I don't know why, and I think this is weird, but sometimes I daydream about living back in the early 20th century.. you know, the 1940s and 50s.. Things were a little tougher back then, but they were nicer. There was room to think and be free and it was fresh and it was innocent. These days we're just so consumed by technology and drugs and fads and.. I never see many people walk these days. The park is almost always empty. Sometimes I go down there and I think.. I daydream.. I wonder. But it's like, nobody cares anymore. And to be honest, the devestating wars may be over, and technology has helped save lives, too.. compared to back in the day. But what about saving our imagination? Saving our innocence? These days.. things are far worse than back then. But that's just my opinion..

I think I started thinking about this more seriously when I watched part of Pearl Harbour the other day. Men were more.. gentleman-ly.. Women's clothes were just so pretty.. Then again, I know it was really tough for them at that time as well. I'm not doubting that. i just would have liked to experience those days, that's all. I guess I can only wonder...

P.S.: Might I add that Josh Hartnett is HOT. New man-crush.


Anonymous said...

I love Pearl Harbor!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Once upon a time...

I don't know why, and I think this is weird, but sometimes I daydream about living back in the early 20th century.. you know, the 1940s and 50s.. Things were a little tougher back then, but they were nicer. There was room to think and be free and it was fresh and it was innocent. These days we're just so consumed by technology and drugs and fads and.. I never see many people walk these days. The park is almost always empty. Sometimes I go down there and I think.. I daydream.. I wonder. But it's like, nobody cares anymore. And to be honest, the devestating wars may be over, and technology has helped save lives, too.. compared to back in the day. But what about saving our imagination? Saving our innocence? These days.. things are far worse than back then. But that's just my opinion..

I think I started thinking about this more seriously when I watched part of Pearl Harbour the other day. Men were more.. gentleman-ly.. Women's clothes were just so pretty.. Then again, I know it was really tough for them at that time as well. I'm not doubting that. i just would have liked to experience those days, that's all. I guess I can only wonder...

P.S.: Might I add that Josh Hartnett is HOT. New man-crush.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love Pearl Harbor!