Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Well the layout for this is fucked, so I've moved to http://justmydirtylittlesecrets.blogspot.com

Follow me there.

It's been a while.

Why? Because of my addiction to Tumblr.
I'm completely obsessed with it, but I never really share my thoughts and express my feelings and daily occurings like I used to do here. I guess I miss it, oh - and the only reason I'm really here is because Tumblr is down.

I guess I have a lot on my mind right now. I feel like I'm failing at school, and I need to try harder - I know I do. I just can't seem to get into it. To actually sitting down and studying properly. I hate myself for that, that I have no motivation or anything. I need to do well enough to get into university at the end of this year. I have to, I know that.

I have a lot happening at the end of the year.

October is filled with the beginning of the HSC (Final exams) and carries through to November.

Mid-end of November is my Year 12 senior FORMAL! Now I'm excited for that.

And then there's Schoolies at the end of November through to the beginning of December, which is like this annual thing that occurs in November for a week where graduated students holiday with their friends. My friends and I (16 of us, actually) are going up the state to Foster, and renting out this 4.5 star hotel! And it's actually pretty cheap at $300. I'm looking forward to relaxing with my friends.

December 21st brings my 18th birthday, which is a big thing here in Australia - not sure about the rest of the world.

So there's a lot happening, and then there's university, and a whole world out there to explore.

Excitement. Nerves. Fear. Expectation. Wonder.

Experiencing all that right now.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Well the layout for this is fucked, so I've moved to http://justmydirtylittlesecrets.blogspot.com

Follow me there.

It's been a while.

Why? Because of my addiction to Tumblr.
I'm completely obsessed with it, but I never really share my thoughts and express my feelings and daily occurings like I used to do here. I guess I miss it, oh - and the only reason I'm really here is because Tumblr is down.

I guess I have a lot on my mind right now. I feel like I'm failing at school, and I need to try harder - I know I do. I just can't seem to get into it. To actually sitting down and studying properly. I hate myself for that, that I have no motivation or anything. I need to do well enough to get into university at the end of this year. I have to, I know that.

I have a lot happening at the end of the year.

October is filled with the beginning of the HSC (Final exams) and carries through to November.

Mid-end of November is my Year 12 senior FORMAL! Now I'm excited for that.

And then there's Schoolies at the end of November through to the beginning of December, which is like this annual thing that occurs in November for a week where graduated students holiday with their friends. My friends and I (16 of us, actually) are going up the state to Foster, and renting out this 4.5 star hotel! And it's actually pretty cheap at $300. I'm looking forward to relaxing with my friends.

December 21st brings my 18th birthday, which is a big thing here in Australia - not sure about the rest of the world.

So there's a lot happening, and then there's university, and a whole world out there to explore.

Excitement. Nerves. Fear. Expectation. Wonder.

Experiencing all that right now.