Sunday, March 7, 2010

The people killer.

Insecurities. They're evil. They're inevitable. They're painful.

A feeling of general unease where you perceive yourself to be unloved, inadequate and worthless. You have no faith in yourself, who you are and who you could be. You constantly pick at every single "flaw" about yourself. You feel alone. You feel pointless. You feel ugly. Constant cyclical thoughts run in your head, over and over and over again. I'm not pretty enough. Why can't I be smart enough? I'm just not talented enough. I'm NOT GOOD ENOUGH.

What we don't seem to realize, and this is the media's fault for putting such a high standard when it comes to women and people in general, is that nobody is perfect. Life sucks that way. We just don't see the good stuff in life because we're so focused on fixing the bad stuff, or complaining about the bad stuff.

We don't realize we're meant to be imperfect. We're meant to find someone who loves us unconditionally, who can love our flaws and accept us for who we are. We're meant to be put down, and feel self conscious and hate ourselves. But we're also meant to have faith in the unknown, faith in the ones who love us, and most of all - faith in ourselves.

I want to say I appreciate my amazing family. I appreciate my friends, who get me through. And I appreciate myself, for putting up with shit and pushing through.

God doesn't give you people you want.
Instead, he gives you people you need.
To teach you.
To hurt you.
To love you.
And to make you the person you were meant to be.


Sunday, March 7, 2010

The people killer.

Insecurities. They're evil. They're inevitable. They're painful.

A feeling of general unease where you perceive yourself to be unloved, inadequate and worthless. You have no faith in yourself, who you are and who you could be. You constantly pick at every single "flaw" about yourself. You feel alone. You feel pointless. You feel ugly. Constant cyclical thoughts run in your head, over and over and over again. I'm not pretty enough. Why can't I be smart enough? I'm just not talented enough. I'm NOT GOOD ENOUGH.

What we don't seem to realize, and this is the media's fault for putting such a high standard when it comes to women and people in general, is that nobody is perfect. Life sucks that way. We just don't see the good stuff in life because we're so focused on fixing the bad stuff, or complaining about the bad stuff.

We don't realize we're meant to be imperfect. We're meant to find someone who loves us unconditionally, who can love our flaws and accept us for who we are. We're meant to be put down, and feel self conscious and hate ourselves. But we're also meant to have faith in the unknown, faith in the ones who love us, and most of all - faith in ourselves.

I want to say I appreciate my amazing family. I appreciate my friends, who get me through. And I appreciate myself, for putting up with shit and pushing through.

God doesn't give you people you want.
Instead, he gives you people you need.
To teach you.
To hurt you.
To love you.
And to make you the person you were meant to be.

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